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FightBack while giving back

Writer: Buctown MMA Buctown MMA

Coach Dave has newly partnered with an awesome CBD company based out of Austin, TX. FightBackCBD was created to generate funding and help those recovering from mental health or substance abuse disorders. Kindly enough, a portion of their profits are used to provide BJJ scholarships for people in recovery.

Exercise in general is scientifically proven to produce our ‘happy chemicals’. It is no secret that Martial Arts aids in improving each practitioner's focus and concentration; benefits that ultimately assist in achieving mental clarity, reducing stress, and an overall healthy wellbeing.

Their full line offers products from oils to roll ons to vapes, are made in small batches, created with organic ingredients and provide you with a full sheet of lab work. They also offer recurring shipments so you don't even have to be bothered with reordering.

If you're looking for clean, Full Spectrum product, look no further! And, don't forget to use Dave's code for some $$ off!

Enter code “SuperJitsu” for 15% off at checkout!


Your first week is on us!

Give us a call or come in to set up your free trial


Buctown Strong is a 501(c) Nonprofit Organization that provides classes through various forms of martial arts; Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, Muay Thai/Boxing, and Strength Training for youth students 18 & under. Buctown Strong Nonprofit is made possible by membership fees, fundraisers, events, clinics, and sales of Buctown merchandise. 100% of the proceeds are put towards our facility, expanding the capacity for kids to train free, entering and traveling to tournaments, in-house and out-house clinics, coaches and staff, equipment and gear, going to different gyms and clubs, and to help build the growing foundation of Buctown MMA.


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