Saturday, March 6 Buctown athletes Jason Melendez and JeyMarie Reyes, along with Coach Jay and Coach Super Dave headed to The Good Fight Tournament in Langhorn, PA.

12 hours,8 matches, and 27 overtimes later...
Both athletes left with some scrap! Jason with the Bronze and JeyMarie, 2x Silver. Overall, a great day at The Good Fight Tournament.
Accomplishments aside, it was awesome to experience a room full of respect and honor. Respecting each other is a fundamental component of martial arts and combat sports - something we strongly believe in. Whether we like it or not, there is a "new norm" so, take a seat on the divisional paradox. Endless perspectives change moralistic standpoints which can separate us all. We choose respect; respecting each other in a rapidly changing environment that not one person was prepared for.
Thank you both for sharing your energy. We are so proud of you.

Train. Compete. Repeat.
Come train!