"Our inherited family stories can be so pervasive that we may believe that our whole lives belong to our family...Carl Jung saw the process of individualizing from our families, along with facing the conflicts that inspire us to walk our own path, as a necessary part of our growth...The very process of choosing to live our own life makes separation from our family a necessary rite of passage."
- G.K. Hunter (Healing Our Bloodlines 2019. Page 198)
We often hear the phrase "family is everything". We have preconceived notions of the roles we have to play in our families, often times roles that feel burdensome or inauthentic to our soul. When we fail to meet these unrealistic expectations, we feel guilt and shame.
Its okay to let go of those expectations. Give yourself permission to express your soul's desires. You are a divine human being that has the power to turn family karma into dharma. You will be amazed how elevating your vibration has a domino effect not only on your life but the lives of your loved ones.
I am healed. I am free. I am grateful. I am love.
Breathe and reset.

Join us every Saturday at 9am for Meditation.
Trust us when we say, it's the perfect way to start your weekend.
Buctown Strong is a 501(c) Nonprofit Organization that provides classes through various forms of martial arts; Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, and Muay Thai/Boxing for youth students 18 & under. Buctown Strong Nonprofit is made possible by membership fees, fundraisers, events, clinics, and sales of Buctown merchandise. 100% of the proceeds are put towards our facility, expanding the capacity for kids to train free, entering and traveling to tournaments, in-house and out-house clinics, coaches and staff, equipment and gear, going to different gyms and clubs, and to help build the growing foundation of Buctown MMA.

If you are interested in becoming a supporter for Buctown Strong Youth Program, please contact us for our Sponsorship Proposal.