Saturday February 19th, Coach Dave Zennario competed in High Rollerz 12 in Las Vegas, NV! A night of firsts; Dave's 1st time competing in Vegas and 1st time competing for High Rollerz.

High Rollerz 12 was a a 16 man Gi Jiu Jitsu Black Belt Absolute Tournament with a very interesting ruleset aimed at the matches being submission focused to make for an exciting event. At Rooster Weight, Coach Dave was the smallest guy in the bracket.
While away this weekend and in preparation for the event, Dave was also able to connect with Coach Pete and get in some morning warm up rolls at Ronin Jiu Jitsu.

While he did not win his match, he put on a great performance with an equally as talented opponent- which you can catch below!
(Video starts where Dave's match begins)
Photo Cred: Pete Isip
A message from Coach Dave
What an awesome night that was.
The gnarliest venue, great rule set, sick matches and just all around great vibes.
Had a sick match and made a good friend in @bjjdalua .. I didn’t win my match but we put on a good show and it was cool to share the experience with everyone 🙏
BIG thanks to @hrbjj and @tikibeast_ for the opportunity 🙏🙏
It was awesome and I’m hyped for the next event!
Great to see you @peteisip! thanks for bringing me into @roninjitsu, training with me and having my back at the event
Thank you @jayisip1 for always being there for me and setting this up, I had the best time. And to all my people at @buctownmma, best students and friends ever 🙏 see you soon!
Now I’m really stoked to get back to training and compete again 🤘
Train, compete, repeat.
We are so proud of you Dave!
Buctown Strong is a 501(c) Nonprofit Organization that provides classes through various forms of martial arts; Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, and Muay Thai/Boxing for youth students 18 & under. Buctown Strong Nonprofit is made possible by membership fees, fundraisers, events, clinics, and sales of Buctown merchandise. 100% of the proceeds are put towards our facility, expanding the capacity for kids to train free, entering and traveling to tournaments, in-house and out-house clinics, coaches and staff, equipment and gear, going to different gyms and clubs, and to help build the growing foundation of Buctown MMA.
If you are interested in becoming a supporter for Buctown, please contact us for our Sponsorship Proposal.