Friday April 22, 2022. Coach Jason Melendez steps into the ring for his first amateur Muay Thai fight with AFL. This event will be full rules Muay Thai-- elbows and knees. Sanctioned by GAMMA. Location: Five Star Banquet Hall. Long Island City, Queens NY.
Huge shout out to Buctown Coaches Maggie Rickman & Danny Millet and owners of Kings Combat in Williamsburg BK for setting this up-- and for the training and hard work they've been put in with Jason.

In an interview with AFL...
AFL: What do you hope to achieve from fighting?
Jason: To earn a supplemental income for my mother who works multiple part time jobs.
Jason, you work hard af. Your dedication to learning and consistently improving your craft is inspiring. LFG!
If you missed the button in the beginning and are interested in supporting Jason along with getting tickets to this event-- YOU CAN CLICK THIS!
AFL is dedicated to growing Muay Thai from the ground up. We focus on creating opportunities for amateur athletes to test their skills and compete, from newcomers to pre-professional veterans. Training is already hard enough, finding a way to perform, build and test your skills, shouldn't be.
Our Spring 22 Schedule is now in effect!

For all memberships we offer month to month memberships, no sign up fees, and no contracts. Whether you are a beginner, a hobbyist, or wishing to compete at amateur and professional levels - we welcome you.
Your first week is on us- give us a call or come in to set up your first week!

Buctown Strong is a 501(c) Nonprofit Organization that provides classes through various forms of martial arts; Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, Muay Thai/Boxing, and Strength Training for youth students 18 & under. Buctown Strong Nonprofit is made possible by membership fees, fundraisers, events, clinics, and sales of Buctown merchandise. 100% of the proceeds are put towards our facility, expanding the capacity for kids to train free, entering and traveling to tournaments, in-house and out-house clinics, coaches and staff, equipment and gear, going to different gyms and clubs, and to help build the growing foundation of Buctown MMA.